John 2:1-11
The Real Miracle At Cana
Grace to you and peace from God, our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. (Romans 1:7)
I am sure no one among us here would want to experience what the newly weds at Cana experienced. It was a happy occasion, to be sure. The whole town was probably invited. Some of those invited were Mary, the mother of our Lord, the Lord Jesus and his desciples. The bride, or possibly, the groom, was a relative of theirs.
Like all marriages, the bride’s parents made sure that they were marrying off their daughter not only to the right man who had a job. They probably also wanted to make sure that the young bridegroom had a house wherein to shelter his bride, and that he had enough money to spend on a descent wedding reception, for to be lacking in food and drink is a very grave social sin in Jewish society. But that is exactly what happened at this particular marriage feast. But I don’t think anyone was remiss in the wedding preparations. The thing just happened. Most probably, thieves got hold of the wine that was ordered and made off with it.
But you will probably say, “Well, what’s to be done about it. Why don’t we just grin and bear it?” Not so simple. In Jewish society, to run out of wine is not only poor planning on the host’s part, it also implies a host’s lack of respect for his visitors. To the Jews, especially, wine was a gift from the Almighty and signified happiness and abundance. And Jews rarely drank water to chase down a meal. They preferred wine. Water, as we see in our text, was mainly used for washing, purification.
And what appears to be, to us, a simple problem, the lack of wine, was threatening not only the happy outcome of a wedding reception, it was also threatening the reputation of a young married couple about to start a new life.
And, looking at Mary, we see the picture of concern, trying to help the hapless couple out of a bad situation. But the problem was bigger, I think, than even Mary could handle. It wasn’t just a matter of a jug or two of wine short. And the wedding reception was probably held in the evening, after work, to ensure that all the invited guests could come. At any rate, buying wine seemed to be out of the question at the time. And so, Mary ran to her Son and simply told him the problem: “They have no wine.” Was Mary hoping that Jesus would perform a miracle so that a couple would not be put to shame? Possibly. But think for a moment: is this sort of problem worth a miracle from the King of kings, the Son of the Almighty?
And that seemed to be the thinking of the Son also, for he answered his mother: “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” And this answer seems to put Mary in her place, and so, she turns to the servants and tells them: “Do whatever he tells you.” And by this she meant that if Jesus were to tell the people to go home, because there was no more wine, then that is probably what would happen.
But Jesus doesn’t send the guests home. Instead, the Lord himself creates a solution to the big problem of the newly weds: out of six huge jars of water used not for drinking but for washing, the Lord creates wine. Not just wine, but lots of it – 115 liters, St. John says. And not just wine, if we go by the word of the governor of the feast, but good wine, delicious wine. Wine made by the Lord of heaven and earth, probably the same kind of wine they drank in heaven.
Interstingly, John does not call this event a miracle, but a sign. St. John tells us that “This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee.” If what happened at Cana was a sign, then it points to a truth. And so, the bridegroom at Cana is but a sign of the TRUE BRIDEGROOM, Christ, and the bride at Cana is a sign of the true Bridegroom’s bride: the Church. The wedding at Cana is but a sign of the true wedding of the true Bridegroom and his Bride, Christ and the Church.
But now, how then are we to understand the lack of wine at Cana? I would venture that the physical lack of wine is also a sign pointing to our spiritual lack. Like the wedding at Cana, no matter how hard or fervent we prepare, all our best efforts still come up short.
And isn’t it true that so many people today strive so mightily to reach heaven? Just look at the recently concluded feast day of the Black Nazarene at Quiapo. Not only thousands, but millions of Filipino Roman Catholics came to this feast, trying with all their might to get close, possibly touch the statue of the Black Nazarene. Millions of Filipino religious struggled to lay hold, even for an instant, the rope pulling the statue of the Black Nazarene. And for what? A devotee of the Black Nazarene told me last night that he hoped some of his sins would be wiped away by his efforts. Millions braved the crush of millions of people, the heat of the day, going barefoot, fervently hoping some of their sins would be forgiven by their efforts. But try as they might, all their efforts still amount to nithing. They may have been fervent in their preparations and prayers, a lot of them probably were decent people, but all this still means nothing. None of their efforts mean a ting.
And we are no better. Oh, we may not be ardent devotees of graven images, true, and we may abhor praying to the saints, even to Mary. We may not believe in indulgences or the mortification of the flesh. But so often, we also do not acknowledge and put our trust in God’s promises, in his Word. I am pretty certain that for many of us, the last time we held a bible and read from it was last Sunday. When was the last time we said to ourselves, “I am baptized”? Isn’t that the reason we put the baptismal font at the doors of our church? To remind us of our baptism, that we were saved by water and by God’s Word? When was the last time we rejoiced in our reception of the Lord’s true bod and blood at the Sacrament of the Altar?
Oh yes. To be sure, we have failed, like the couple at Cana. Like them we have failed in our preparations to receive the True Bridegroom. And whatever we do, the Lord will always tell us: “What have I to do with you?” All of our efforts are worthless. Our prayers, devotions, good works are all worthless. Because we are sinful.
And yet, all is not lost, for the true Bridegroom takes pity on us poor sinners. The Lord comes to us and he says: “Give me the waters of your preparations, the waters of your efforts and good works, for these will not suffice. I will turn that into something else. I will turn that into wine, good, delicious wine to make you drunk with the happiness of heaven. My happiness. Ny heaven.” The true Bridegroom comes to our sinful world and takes the water of our rituals and empty preparations ang transforms it into the wine of gladness, the gladness of heaven. He went to Calvary and spilled, for us, the best wine of all: his precious, innocent blood, and he died for us, so that we who are dead in sin might have life from heaven, eternal life.
And from the true Bridegroom we recieve such priceless gifts: grace, forgiveness and life, through his life, given for the life of the world.
His Word brings happiness and hope for us. His Word gives us what we so desperately need: forgiveness. His Sacraments give us what we need: eternal life. It is indeed a miracle that the Lord would come down to earth to be like us so that, by his deat, we may become like him: holy, pure, and fellow heirs with him of his riches in heaven.
In the last verse of our text, St. John tells us that “This, the first of his signs, Jesus did at Cana in Galilee, and manifested his glory. And his disciples believed in him.” And this is true even for us today. Through his Word, through his Sacraments, the Lord has manifested his glory. And through his Word and through his Sacraments, the Lord fills our empty cups with the wine of heaven, the wine of gladness, the true wine of the true Bridegroom which gives us grace, forgiveness and life. This is most certainly true. This is most certainly for you.
May the peace of God, which passes all understanding, keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. (Philippians 4:7)
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