Here's an insight i got studying for my sermon for Holy Trinity, on the Gospel reading: I'm a former UCC, pop Evangelical, and ever since i transferred to Lutheranism, i've had the most difficult time with John 3:16, because of the phrase, "whoever believes..." Well, i was taught in sem that even belief, faith, comes from the Holy Spirit, but still, i couldn;t get around the thinking that John 3:16 was set up to have a conditional (WHOEVER BELIEVES). well, just this morning, as i was trying to hammer out a sermon for sunday (procrastinated, because of my difficulty with the WHOEVER BELIEVES phrase) i realized something (thanks to the Holy Spirit! he's never let me down yet!). i was listening to rev. steven parks' explanation of the acts 2:38 passage the other day on IE, and suddenly it hit me: you have to understand John 3:16 in the context of what Jesus says in John 3:1-15! just as in being physically born, we have neither choice nor power when we are born again! everything is by the grace and power of God, especially the Holy Spirit! Luther's explanation the the Third Article becomes clear then! and also, this quote from the Confessions:
Before a person is enlightened, converted, regenerated, renewed, and drawn by the Holy Spirit, he can hear the Gospel, meditate on it and discuss it. Nevertheless, he regards it as foolishness and cannot believe it. For he is hostile to God's will, unless the Holy Spirit is effective on him and kindles and works in him faith and obedience.
John is not setting up a conditional statement in verse 16. he's saying that, based on what Jesus said in verses 1-15, that John 3:16 is totally the work and grace of God! The Father loved us from eternity, the Son died on the cross for us and won for us forgiveness and life, and the Holy Spirit "calls, gathers and enlightens us" by the Gospel! everything in John 3:16 is God's work and grace! everything! thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit! I knew you wouldn't let your Word go to waste on a day like the Feast of the Holy Trinity!
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